Sport hairstyles

Sport hairstyles for man with short hair

Sports style in men’s haircuts today is actively gaining popularity and is used by men of different character and occupation. Among the main advantages of sports haircuts can be distinguished: the ease of styling, low requirements for care and versatility, which allows you to successfully combine such haircuts with any style of clothing. In this material you will get acquainted with the main varieties of men’s sports haircuts, as well ...  Read more

Sport hairstyles

The Best Haircuts for Men in Sport

More and more young people are choosing a healthy lifestyle and are striving to create a harmonious body. A comfortable hairstyle is one of the factors that affect the athlete’s mood during training.

Most often men who are keen on sports choose short options. Hair during exercise does not bring any discomfort and does not overheat the head. It does not require too much time for care. Almost all famous athletes, who can be seen on the screen or in glossy magazines, look very stylish with short hairdos. Representatives of powerlifting sports and wrestling as well as swimmers and boxers are top examples.

A variety of sports styles is mainly based on long-known haircuts. And the most fashionable hairstyles for male athletes in this season would be those:

  • “Tennis” – a short cropped head and temples, and the hair on the vertex is slightly longer. Using gel for styling, you can get the hair stand upright. There are many variations of length from the ultrashort to the impressive strands on the crown.
  • Undercut – a combination of a shaved temporal part and a long bang at the occiput and parietal area. This one

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